Intentions project 52// Batemans Bay family photographer
16th Twenty 16.
This week has been busy at our house the new year has brought new inspiration to tidy and cull around the house so that being said this week has really flown by.
The theme for project 52 this week is intentions along the same lines as news years resolution but I feel the word intentions to be more achievable. Being perfectionist by nature I dont tend set new years resolutions but I do enjoy setting goals and striving towards them.
When thinking about what my intentions would be for me in regards to my photography journey the one thing that came to mind was the desire in me to capture more natural connections in my family portraiture. As a women, wife and mum the images that capture those true emotions and natural interactions make my heart sing more than the perfectly posed looking at the camera smiles.
My intentions this year is work on capturing moments in the most authentic and organic way!
This image I wanted to intentionally convey the connection between my four kids and although they do fight like everyone child for the most part they get along well and hope they stay best friends as they continue to grow.
So now I’ve had my long ramble what are your intentions this 2016?