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Life as I see it { 30 day personal project} day 28 & day 29// Batemans Bay children photographer

January 28 & 29th | day 28-29

I missed yesterdays photo so have decided to post yesterdays and today together rather than do two separate posts.

Our friends who have been staying with us the past few nights brought with them a new game of Chinese checkers.  Over the weekend the kids and adults had many happy hours playing with it.  I absolutely love the light in this shot! I heart backlighting!

Todays photo is a bit different to rest.  I thought I’d give my family a rest from having me point the camera at them and have captured a gorgeous old barn which in near our house.  I’ve been meaning to capture it for months but when ever I think about it we’re always in the car going somewhere.  I decided to shoot it at sunset which wasn’t the best time so it didn’t turn out as I expected.   I may try and re shoot it at sunrise and see the difference at some stage . Anyway here they are :


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