Bumper post 52 project {personal project}//Batemans Bay family photographer
February 29th Twenty 16.
What has the last day of Summer looked like from where you live? Here on the South coast its been a pretty normal day although the weather has been rather overcast and humid. Its been a funny summer this year with heavy rain and then a few extremely sultry days thrown in! Today we have all had a touch of Monday blues back to school and getting back into the weekly routine is always hard after a fun weekend.
I have been really struggling after such lovely christmas holidays to get back into an ebb and flow for the year and so haven’t been keeping up with my weekly 52 project.
Each week I get a theme to take one image depicting that theme and mood.
This week I am determined to catch up.
Week 6 theme Finding the light
As a photographer finding the light is crucial part to capturing image that evoke the right mood. Sometimes the light can even be the main focal point in the image so this weeks assignment to find light that inspire you.
The image I took for this was taken on my ipad my iphone camera is broken and wont focus Im kind of looking forward to getting it fixed soon. We have a spot in our bathroom where I really love the hard light that creates shadows
week 7 theme relax
The assignment was to capture whatever it is that you associate with relaxing
And for me I love relaxing and taking a bath. I had some other ideas of doing some long exposure self portrait of me looking out the see but I just haven’t had time execute it so I have gone with how I relax which is having a nice bath.
Week 8 theme Photographer choice
After spending many hours watching tutorials Im going to have to choose another image to share for this week as what I set out to has turned into being too time consuming for now. I had every intention of learning how to either do in camera double exposure or do it in photoshop anyway it hasn’t happened so I have chosen an image taken for up coming easter display at our church theme being resurrection. I love shooting still life images with was shot on a black chalkboard base and I have added some extra texture.