Masterclass Part 1.

Last year for my 30th birthday I was given a book called The Complete photographer a masterclass in every style and subject by Tom ANG.

As I spoke in my mini video I’ve been going on a journey outside  of my comfort zone to push myself to the next level.  I think as a photographer, artist its a continual learning journey

Here is the brief of assignment one:

Photograph yourself to portray yourself in a role, for example, as a fantasy character,in heroic mould, or in a particular mood( good or bad) using suitable props or dress.

Heres my attempt at vintage house wife 1950’s look not sure its quite accurate .

Assignment two brief: choose a subject that would benefit from an environmental portrait- such as an artist,musician,gardener,factory or office worker- and  photograph them so that their work,personal space and character is depicted.

I chose as my subject an artist who just happens to live in our street and is most amazing beautiful person as well. She not only paints and draws but is also very involved in drama and has a great love for costumes and clothes which is why I have captured her sewing a costume in her favourite chair in her house surrounded by her art and other masterpieces.

 Assignment three brief:

Capture a close-up view that shows the beauty and intrigue of wildlife and nature on a small scale. Try to convey drama through light and composition and , if possible, an element of the struggle between life and death.

This assignment was a huge challenge for me as I don’t own a macro lens which would make capturing small animals and smaller flowers easier. So I opted to capture nature rather than wildlife and so didn’t pull off the struggle between life and death.  Im still happy with the end result as I really worked my camera using manual settings.

Here are three of my favourites.

I hope I may have inspired you to step outside of your comfort zone and push your self to next level in what ever genre that might be?  What projects have you got on the go? Don’t forget to drop in and comment if you’ve enjoyed this post


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